Obtaining a Drivers License
If you are under 18, you must complete 30 hours of classroom instruction and be enrolled in 6 hours of in-car driving lessons to be eligible for a Minnesota instruction permit.
Knowledge Test
- Must be at least 15 years old.
- You must have a certificate of enrollment (Blue Card) proving classroom instruction is completed, and you are signed up for behind-the-wheel instruction OR have a certificate of enrollment (Pink Card) proving enrollment in our education course concurrent drivers and completion of the first 15 classroom hours of the curriculum.
- The parent, court-appointed guardian, county-appointed foster parent, or the director of your transitional living program will sign and approve your application.
Road Test
- Must be at least 16 years old.
- Must have a valid instruction permit.
- Must have a driver education course completion certificate (White Card).
- Must have held an instruction permit for the last six months without a conviction for a moving violation or an alcohol or controlled substance violation.
- Suppose all or part of your six months of driving experience was in a state other than Minnesota. In that case, you must have a certified driving record from that state to verify that you qualify for the provisional license.
- You must have the completed supervised driving log , and a parent or guardian must sign it.
- Parent, court-appointed guardian, county-appointed foster parent, or the director of your transitional living program will sign and approve your application.
Nighttime Driving Limitations
For the first six months of licensure, Driving is prohibited from midnight - to 5 a.m. Exemptions:
- Driving when accompanied by a licensed driver age 25 or older.
- Driving between home and place of employment.
- Driving to/from home and a school event for which the school has not provided transportation.
- Driving for employment purposes
Passenger Limitations
For the first six months of licensure, Only one passenger under the age of 20 is permitted unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
For the second six months of licensure, No more than three passengers under 20 are permitted unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Exemption: Passengers under the age of 20 who are members of the driver's immediate family are permitted.
Cell Phone and Texting
It's illegal for drivers under age 18 to use a cell phone, whether hand-held or hands-free - except to call 911 in an emergency.
It's illegal for drivers of all ages to compose, read, or send text messages or access the Internet while the vehicle is in motion or a part of traffic.